Could you use a Personal CFO?

We help business owners create AND implement their written strategic personal financial plan.

Imagine having a trusted partner that listens and understands your values and goals, and can translate that to a written strategic personal financial plan to lock in your wins and diversify wealth outside of your business.

Are you on the right trajectory?

Where are you now, and where do you want to be?


The path to reaching – and maintaining – financial freedom is different for everyone.

As your Personal CFO, our team of experts designs and implements a strategy to diversify your income, manage your taxes and investments, and get your life back.

Trusted by Business Owners Nationwide

Some of our biggest advocates are your fellow Maui Mastermind members.

Download our “Year In Review” booklet to see how we’re already helping many of your friends and fellow business owners reach financial independence.

(Click here to download.)

Year In Review

Client Testimonial

“I originally selected BlueSky because they are a non-commission based fiduciary. The services they provide are much more than that.

They made sure all of my estate documents were up to date. They analyzed all of my insurance policies helped me fix life insurance and annuities. At age 65 they helped me through the Medicare maze which saved me a lot of time.

There is so much more they have done which has exceeded my expectations. I trust them to guide me so that I achieve the retirement and legacy inheritance goals I have for me and my family. I have a great advisory team consisting of tax planners, estate planners and investment management and advisors. My BlueSky team sits in on almost all of these meetings and have provided much needed guidance and insights.

In fact, they have organized many of the needed meetings to deal with complex tax and estate planning issues. Most importantly, I’ve gotten to know my BlueSky team and feel that they are not just friends, but a loved part of the family.”

Ron and JulietIndian Rocks Beach, FLBlueSky clients since 2021

Our Low-Pressure Process

We’re fee-only fiduciary advisors, not salespeople. We’ll take our time getting to know you and mutually decide if we’re a good fit.

Step 1 - Discovery Conversation

Let’s take some time – either in person or over the phone – to get to know your situation and goals better and answer any initial questions you have.

If it seems like we’re a good fit, we’ll gather some additional information and schedule a follow-up Zoom call to dive deeper into the specifics of how we can help.

Step 2 - Data Gathering

Our next step is gathering a little more information to provide a complimentary second opinion and dial in our service proposal.

We’ll provide a secure upload link to review key items like your recent investment account statements, business financial statements, and tax returns.

This information helps us better understand your situation and where we can add value. Plus, it helps us calculate how much our services will cost. (Learn more about our unique complexity-based pricing model here.)

Step 3 - Proposal Review Call

Once we have your documents, we can set up a Zoom call to continue the conversation and discuss how we could work together.

We’ll provide a second opinion on any weak spots or concerns in your current situation, where we can add value, and how much our services will cost.

We’ll review your proposal with you on the call, but don’t worry — we won’t ask you to sign on the spot. We encourage you to take your time to decide what’s best for you and your family.

Step 4 - Sign On & Get Started!

We’ll hit the ground running as soon as you’ve decided to sign on as a BlueSky client.

You and your dedicated advisory team will schedule your kick-off meeting and start building momentum together!

Schedule A Call

While we don’t have a required minimum level of wealth to work with our team, we do have a minimum price of $2,500 per quarter. (Learn more about our unique complexity-based pricing model here.)

Typically, we’ve found our services tend to be the best fit for individuals and families with at least $1M-$1.5M of money to invest.

We look forward to hearing from you!